M.E. Power Electronic Systems is a two year full time course that aims to provide Master's Degree for both EEE and EIE graduates. This course was started in the year 2013 with an intake of 18 students. The students who have qualified in GATE and/or PGECET are eligible to take admission in the course. The course is supported by fully qualified and dedicated faculty and a state of art lab facilities with latest software's like MATLAB, MULTISIM and LABVIEW are available for the use of students. Power Electronic converter lab has also been established to meet the curriculum requirements. The students are also given a wide range of elective subjects and research based innovative projects to specialize further in a particular field.
To be a part of the universal human quest for development and progress by contributing high calibre, ethical and socially responsible engineers who meet the global challenge of building a modern society in harmony with nature.
To attain excellence in imparting technical education from the undergraduate to through doctoral levels by adopting coherent and judiciously coordinated curricular and co-curricular programs.
To foster a partnership with industry and Governmental agencies through collaborative research and consultancy.
To nurture and strengthen auxiliary soft skills for overall development and improved employability in a multicultural workspace.
To develop scientific temper and spirit of enquiry in order to harness the innovative talents.
To develop a constructive attitude in the students towards the task of nation-building and empower them to become future leaders.
To nourish the entrepreneurial instincts of the students and hone their business acumen.To involve the student and faculty in solving local community problems through economical and sustainable solutions.