The Department of Mechanical Engineering is as old as the institute itself, started in the year 1980 and goes from strength to strength, evolving alongside with the institute and technological advancements in the field. The department offers 2 courses: B.E. - Mechanical Engineering, and M.E. - CAD/CAM. This department used to also offer B.E. - Production Engineering as one of the courses but it is under progressive closure from the year 2022. The department has 21 faculty members of which 14 are Doctorates and remaining all are pursuing their Ph.D. The department is recognized as Research Centre by the Osmania University in 2013, having 7 faculty members recognized as research supervisor and 17 research scholars pursuing their research work. The department is well equipped with state-of-art Laboratories, supported by 20 technical, well experienced non-teaching staff members. Undergraduate CAD lab is having more than 50 computers and Post Graduate CAD/CAM & Computational lab is having 20 computers with a complete FMS setup having Robotic Arm, Conveyer system, CNC lathe and CNC Milling machines.
Mechanical Engineering department tops the college departments by having 3 Indian patent grants and 2 patent publications under the college research and development funding. Many International patents, design patents and copyrights are also granted to the research oriented faculty members of the department. The department have also signed MoU’s with industries to provide campus placements, student projects, industrial visits and internships for its students. Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE-MJCET club), Engineers Without Borders (EWB) and Club Optimus are the three Student chapters of the department wherein students are given opportunities for performing in extra-curricular activities and also options to participate in National level student competitions.
To produce high caliber, competent, industry oriented Mechanical Engineers.
To impart quality education by providing state of art technical facilities and enhance the professional abilities to meet the demands of the ever-changing manufacturing industry.
PSO 1: Function in software industry in the areas of design and development using software tools such as AUTOCAD, Solidworks, ANSYS., etc.
PSO 2: Work in Power plants and manufacturing industry in the sphere of operation and maintenance.
Dr. Mohammed Viquar Mohiuddin, Professor and Head, Mechanical Engineering Department, joined Muffakham Jah College of Engineering and Technology, Banjarahills, Hyderabad, India in the year 2006. He completed his B.E. - Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering with specialization in Production Engineering, from Osmania University, Hyderabad, India and passed in First division with Distinction. He did his Master’s degree - Master of Science in Advanced Engineering with manufacturing route, from Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, United Kingdom in First division. Before joining MJCET, he worked for around four years in industries like Cooper Vision Mfg. Ltd., Hamble, Southampton, U.K. a contact lens manufacturing company; Industrial Acoustics Co. Ltd., Winchester, U.K. manufacturing noise and acoustic control products; and with Magna Intier Automotives Ltd., Southampton, U.K., an ancillary to Ford production plant, carrying out interiors for Ford transit van for its assembly line following just-in-time and lean manufacturing principles. He completed his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from University College of Engineering, Osmania University, Hyderabad, in the year 2016. He has about Sixteen years of teaching experience in MJCET, of which six years as Assistant Professor, six years as Associate Professor and, as Professor since 2018. He became Associate Head of Mechanical Engineering Department in 2016 and Head, MED in the year 2022.
Dr. Mohammed Viquar Mohiuddin participated in more than forty workshops, seminars and faculty development programs and has successfully guided more than 30 B.E. projects, 15 M.E. projects and 6 in-house R&D projects and also has two patents published on his name. He published more than 15 papers in National & International journals and conferences and also reviewed paper for ‘International Journal of Additive Manufacturing’, an ELSEVIER journal. He has h-index score of ‘six’ on Google scholar. He also had received the “Faculty Excellence Award” in the year 2009. He is a faculty advisor for SAEINDIA MJCET club – a student chapter for designing and fabricating all terrain vehicles, student formula racing vehicles, go-karting vehicles etc. for participation in National level competitions. He is a Member of Society of Automotive Engineers-India, a Life Member of The Society of Mechanical & Automotive Engineers, and also a Life member of Indian Society of Technical Education. He got recognized as Research Supervisor by Osmania University for guiding and supervising Ph.D. students in Jan. 2021.
Muffakham Jah college of Engineering & Technology is accredited by the NAAC with Grade A+ in 2024
Four programs of MJCET i.e., Civil Engg., CSE, ECE, Mechanical Engg. were accredited by NBA for a period of 3 years upto 30/06/2027.
MED staff at valedictory function
Thermal Engineering lab
Machine Shop
Unveiling of BAJA 2022 vehicle
Group photo of SAE BAJA 2022 team
Engineering Workshop practise lab
Hydraulics and Machinery Lab
Welding Lab
House Wiring & Plumbing Section
Engineering Graphics Lab
Metal pouring exercise in Foundry Lab
Solar Charaka patented project