Physics department has been established in the year 1980. Department of Physics has established itself as one of the pioneers in nurturing students towards achieving academic excellence by providing an excellent platform to learn and enhance the core competence in physics. The students are made aware of phenomenon of light and various basic measuring instruments which help to understand the advanced concepts of various engineering disciplines. The Department has two physics labs and is well equipped with latest devices and instruments, provides state of art facilities with provision of experiments in the field of physics. The experiments in the course such as optics, mechanics and curriculum of all branches are designed to achieve definite quantitative results
The Department has well qualified and dedicated faculty members and supporting staff. There are currently 5 faculty members who are catering to the requirements of the students. Faculty is provided with lab and research facilities in their endeavours in pursuing Ph.D. in different fields. The faculty of the department have successfully completed over 2 sponsored research projects totalling 11 Lakhs of INR. These projects have been sponsored by IEEE Hyderabad and Bangalore chapters. The faculty members of the department visit various national laboratories frequently to update and enhance their knowledge to serve the social and student community.
The department added another feather in the cap when Nawab Muffakham Jah, Prince of Hyderabad visited the department twice.
Dr. Shaik Kareem Ahmmad, Associate professor of Physics and Dr. Raheem Ahmed , Asst. Professor of physics are actively working in this filed and they published 40 Scopus/web of science indexing research publications. Recently Dr. Shaik Kareem ahmmad stared working in the area of Artificial Intelligence in glasses and published papers in the international journals.
Mr. Syed Ilays Mohiuddin and Dr. Nazima Siddiqui working in this filed. Mr. Ilyas mohiuddin has developed a bio sensor thinfilms to detect various examinations in human urine and blood sample and published papers in the field. Dr. Nazima Siddiqui currently working in the area of adulteration in the edible oils and medicinal oils.
Dr. Shaik Kareem Ahmmad, Started his career as a Asst. Professor in the department of physics MJCET in 2006. He did his research work in the field of glass materials with high energy implantation under the guidance of Late Prof. Syed Rahman, Osmania University and acquires a Ph.D degree in the year 2015. In the year of 2018 Dr. Shaik Kareem Ahmmad is promoted as Associate professor & coordinator of physics. During his tenure he guided many B.E students in their final year projects and 24 research papers published in the Scopus /Web of science indexing journals in the field of glass materials and artificial intelligence. He got 186 citations by 153 documents in Scopus data base and 196 citations in web of science data base with 7 h-index which is a highest h-index in MJCET. Dr. Shaik Karem Ahmmad also collaborated with world largest Glass Company corning incorporated for development of AI based glass materials. Recently Dr. Shaik Kareem Ahmmad granted first international Australian innovation patent titled 'A method to enhance optical properties of zinc arsenic tellurite glasses' for the period of eight year from 29th July 2021.
Explaining Superconductor to Janab Khan Lateef Mohammed Khan
Student R & D Projects at Adsophous Event
Glass making experiment
Industry collaborations
Consultancy Projects
Austrailian Innovation Patent
Nirmala Birla taking a look at the Sir. J..C Bose mm wave working Replica developed by the Department of Physics MJCET
Honorary Secretary, SUES Mr. Zafar Javeed Presenting Faculty Incentive Scheme Award to Dr. Shaik Kareem Ahmed, Coordinator of Physics
Glass Making Experiment at Adsophous event
UV printed Albert Einstein photo presenting to Honorary Secretary, Mr. Zafar Javeed
Research publication workshop conducted for MJCET faculty