The ME Digital Systems is a two year full time course that aims to provide Master's Degree for Electronics and Communication graduates. This course was started in the year 2009 with an intake of 18 students.The students who have qualified in GATE and/or PGECET are eligible to take admission in the course. The course is supported by fully qualified and dedicated faculty and a state of art lab facilities with latest software's like MATLAB, Tanner Tools, Keil, Xilinx and Active HDL to meet the curriculum requirements. The students are also given a wide range of elective subjects and research based innovative projects to specialize further in a particular field.
Research center was also approved by the Osmania University in the year 2011 in the Department of ECE to provide research facilities to PhD scholars. Two Professors in the Department of ECE are recognized as supervisors by Osmania University. The students are given on campus placement opportunities by Multi National Companies.
To produce high caliber, competent, industry oriented Mechanical Engineers.
To impart quality education by providing state of art technical facilities and enhance the professional abilities to meet the demands of the ever-changing manufacturing industry.